
As is always the way, web development companies rarely get around to putting the time in to develop their own website. On the plus side, this gave us plenty of time to contemplate what we would do if we had the time, and eventually we managed to squeeze some time aside and put our ideas into practice.

As lead front end developer at Kerve, I was fortunate enough to be able to build the entire thing, working closely with our designers to create ways to really show off what we could do. It was undoubtedly one of the more complex undertakings of my career, and posed a lot of challenges as well as great learning opportunities. Naturally, our designers really wanted to push the boat out and give every case study its own unique twist - not something that made my life particularly easy, but it resulted in an incredibly eye-catching, engaging and unique experience.

I think I can safely say that the final product is one of the highlights of my portfolio, made all the more rewarding because I was also heavily involved in the majority of the case studies being shown off.